College Avalon welcomes students free of charge

Montreal, January 17, 2022 – While many colleges have announced their closure and several programs are currently suspended, Avalon College is ready to welcome international students who are affected by these closures and who wish to complete their studies free of charge. additional.

Collège Avalon proposes to cover all tuition fees until students complete their program. Compensation will be offered for credits completed and already incurred fees, provided that they submit the necessary documentation and that it corresponds to a program offered by Collège Avalon.

Priority to student success

« Les étudiants étrangers se révèlent un atout pour le Québec, en particulier en raison de la pénurie de main d’oeuvre. Le Collège Avalon fait dès lors tout ce qui est possible pour atténuer les impacts des fermetures de collèges. Nous invitons tous ceux et celles touchés par cette situation déplorable à communiquer avec nous afin que nous puissions rapidement identifier une solution qui leur permettra de terminer leurs études », de dire Martin Houde, Directeur du Collège Avalon.

About Collège Avalon

Avalon College is a college-based educational institution established in Quebec since 1995 whose mission is to encourage students to realize their dreams and allow them to shape their future. Building on 25 years of experience and success in high quality adult education, Avalon College has expanded its services by adding a full range of business programs and courses designed specifically to increase employability within of an ever-changing world.

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